In case, if draw date falls on public holiday the draw will be held on the following working days.
About Prize bond Scheme Offer by Govt.
Prize Bond’s Scheme is the only lawful source for poor and middle class people investment opportunities to become rich overnight and making their dreams come true Prize bond offers investment options and it is far better then forex investment but this scheme has been ignored awfully, Recently, profit rates on five saving schemes namely Defense Saving Schemes – DSS, Regular Income Certificates – RIC, Behbood Saving Certificates – BSC, Savings Accounts – SA and Special Saving Certificates – SSC have been increased by 8 to 50 basis points but Prize Bond Scheme was not given consideration at all. Tragically, the increase of profit rates on these mentioned schemes will not lessen dues burden of Rs. 150 billion or more on account of Defense Saving Certificates maturing in the near future. Prize Bonds’ Scheme is the only rescuer in this regard, provided and they are like baby formula.The following suggestions are duly implemented.Here is some detail of prizes for you The new increased and revised prizes on each prize bond are described below:
For Rs. 40,000
1st Prize = Rs. 75,000,000 (1 Prize)
2st Prize = Rs. 25,000,000 (3 Prizes)
3rd Prize = Rs. 500,000 (1696 Prizes)
For Rs. 15,000
1st Prize = Rs. 30,000,000 (1 Prize)
2st Prize = Rs. 10,000,000 (3 Prizes)
3rd Prize = Rs. 185,000 (1696 Prizes)
For Rs. 7,500
1st Prize = Rs. 15,000,000 (1 Prize)
2st Prize = Rs. 5,000,000 (3 Prizes)
3rd Prize = Rs. 93,000 (1696 Prizes)
For Rs. 1,500
1st Prize = Rs. 3,000,000 (1 Prize)
2st Prize = Rs. 1,000,000 (3 Prizes)
3rd Prize = Rs. 18,500 (1696 Prizes)
For Rs. 750
1st Prize = Rs. 1,500,000 (1 Prize)
2st Prize = Rs. 500,000 (3 Prizes)
3rd Prize = Rs. 9,300 (1696 Prizes)
For Rs. 200
1st Prize = Rs. 750,000 (1 Prize)
2st Prize = Rs. 250,000 (5 Prizes)
3rd Prize = Rs. 1,250 (2394 Prizes